Posts Tagged ‘Video’

nursing home talent show….really cute and surprising..mp4 (video mp4 Object)

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

nursing home talent show
Video Rating: 4 / 5

special needs child Nursing video

Sunday, July 3rd, 2011

This video was made for a nursing specialities class on the topic of special needs children. I made this video about my son, Ian who recieved nursing care all of his life.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Stay music video. [freetobemechristy’s contest]

Sunday, June 26th, 2011

got 2nd place in candygal1119’s contest! (: StoryLine : A girl runs away from home, thinking her parents won’t care and forget about her, after months she decides to go home, the door is unlocked and no one is home, she looks on the computer to see if anything happened, it turns our her parents and sister died in a terrible car crash a week ago. and while the accident happened they’ve been searching for weeks to find there daughter, now the girl is depressed and wants her life back to normal, she sees many memories and home movies and pictures and find her moms necklace and keeps it forever. she then decides to kill her self to be with her family again. (this story line kinda relates to my life, i have tried lots of times to run away from personal situations and think no one would care, but somehow i always thought of this happening) This song makes me cry. )’: and this video is okay, I thought it would be better, but hope you enjoy (: love you all, and sorry i’ve made 3 videos this weekend, I’ve have had lots of extra time(;
Video Rating: 4 / 5