Posts Tagged ‘shoulder’

Nursing A Shoulder Injury “Be a 10 in 2010”

Friday, August 17th, 2012

EXERCISES 10-20 reps per set 2-4 sets per exercise 15-20 second rest (2:18)- Front Raise “Anterior Deltoid” (3:52)- Lateral Raise “Medial Deltoid” (5:21)- Rear Deltoid “Posterior Deltoid” (6:34)- Arm Circles- Clockwise/Counter Clockwise (7:33)- Cable Rotator Pulls STRETCHES Hold 30-60 seconds 3 sets per exercise 15-20 second rest (9:42)- Head Raise with Hands Behind Head (10:32)- Hand to Shoulderblade Reach (11:27)- Walking Hand Up the Doorway Check out for more information and detailed exercises! Join the most supportive and fastest growing community on facebook! Check out my Routines & Tips on the SEARS FitStudio page! 🙂 iPhone App! Bio-Engineered Supplements & Nutrition BSN Check out my Meal Plan!: View TRX Pro Pack Here! Follow me on Twitter!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Home shoulder workout for a V-TAPER body

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

Click here to get abs: In this video, I show you a great home shoulder workout that you can do at home with just a pair of dumbbells. I’ll do this workout a lot to hit shoulders when I’m traveling, or when I just don’t have time to hit the gym for a full workout. It only takes a couple minutes, but it hits your deltoids, traps, and all the other muscles of your shoulders. And if you want to get a ripped body and six pack abs, the fastest way to do that is going to be Afterburn Training. You can learn more about Afterburn Training and how you can use it to get your abs faster in this free video:
Video Rating: 4 / 5