Posts Tagged ‘People’

Robot Chicken: Old People Death Match

Saturday, January 26th, 2013

Someone has to die in the nursing home.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Walker, Texas Ranger Ep 107- Forgotten People

Sunday, June 24th, 2012

Ever think nursing homes were flat-out awful? They dare not amount to the horror of this death house. Poor old folks are used as guinea pigs for mad experiments, not a one living to tell the tale. When a man who had evidence dies before giving it to Trivette, the Rangers devise a plan to infiltrate the “nursing” home as an ordinary family and one senile CD Parker. However, someone else is already there to look for answers- though it’s not another cop. It will take some careful teamwork between them and CD to crack open the doors to the mystery, but if they slip up, the men in the white coats will be ready with the Death Cart! Gwen Verdon makes her debut as Maisie Whitman. DISCLAIMER: I do not claim these episodes for myself. All rights are reserved by CBS. Creepy note: That old man’s name is Joshua… MY NAME. *gulp*

Elderly people are dying in nursing homes

Monday, December 5th, 2011

An investigative report by Tanya McRae on abuse and neglect of the elderly at skilled nursing facilities and nursing homes. One daughter shares her story of her mother’s horrific death, and attorneys explain staggering number of other criminal cases.
Video Rating: 4 / 5