Richard Schlesinger talks with Dr. David Dosa about Oscar the cat, who lives at a nursing home and appears to know when patients are about to die. (
Richard Schlesinger talks with Dr. David Dosa about Oscar the cat, who lives at a nursing home and appears to know when patients are about to die. (
Oscar the Cat seems to know when patients in the nursing home where he lives are about to die. He visits their bedside in their final hours, providing comfort. Richard Schlesinger reports. (
Many Americans find themselves ‘Stuck in the Middle’ caring for elderly parents while caring for children as well. Eldercare expert Barbara McVicker gives five advice tips for coping with caring for your parents. Ifyour company or organization is looking for a compelling, inspiring speaker to address eldercare in America and the changing dynamics of the aging parent-adult child caregiver, Barbara McVicker is the only name you need to know.