In the first video since he’s been away recovering from a bad cold, DSP talks about his health, the status of some threatening bills still up for debate in the US Government, the new changes to YouTube, and more. http for game playthroughs for fighting game coverage Follow me on Twitter @TheyCallMeDSP Get merch at
Senate Committee on Appropriations: California Case of extraordinary home care and support needed for autistic adult who slams fists into his head (self-injurious behavior) and has seizure issues. Video coverage of California’s failure to secure this family proper home supports in what experts call, “one of the most severe and complex cases of autism and self-injury seen.” Cost of providing HOME health care even at 24/7 is THOUSANDS of dollars LESS than costly out-of-home placement. So, it makes sense, in cases like this, where a family is willing to care for their family member, that funds would be available to help this win win situation work. Furthermore, consider NURSES who are leaving hospitals and nursing homes to do HOME HEALTH cases like this. This is a coveted job for many nurses. They want the 1:1 patient care, instead of being saddled with impersonal care of 35 patients in a nursing home or hospital ward. It’s also a BOOT camp for nurses. If you can work here, you can work anywhere. Video Rating: 5 / 5