1 proven trick for getting ripped: sixpackshortcuts.com (2:30) Wide Grip Pull Ups (3:23) Close Grip Pull Ups (5:50) Under Hand Pull Ups (8:16) Dumbbell Side Lateral (upper back) What’s up guys, this is my home back workout that I do using only a door frame pull up bar and a pair of 15 lbs dumbbells. My Home Back Workout: 10 Wide Grip Pull Ups 10 Close Grip Pull Ups 10 Under Hand Pull Ups 10 Dumbbell Side Laterals = 1 Round DO 4 ROUNDS TOTAL, rest 30 sec or less b/t exercises * Make sure to watch the video where I explain techniques on how to work on your back muscles more and use less of your biceps during the exercises. sixpackshortcuts.com ps. Use this link to share with your friends: youtu.be Video Rating: 4 / 5
The Six Pack “Shortcut?” sixpackshortcuts.com Since a lot of you have requested to see more females in the videos, I brought in my friend Shannon to help me on this one! We do a intense, HEAD-TO-HEAD home workout together. You can do it by yourself, or competitively with a partner like we did it. And the best part is it requires only your bodyweight, and you don’t need any equipment. Here’s how to do the workout: MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS – 30 SECONDS: Start in the push-up position, and step your feet upwards towards your hands. To make it more challenging, you can shift your weight forward so you are carrying more with your chest and upper body. Be sure to keep your back flat as you do this, and don’t let your butt go too far up in the air. YOGA PLANK – 30 SECONDS:: Start on all fours, with your hips elevated up in the air. Hold this position, being sure to keep your hips up and not allowing your back to slouch. KNEE TO ELBOW PLANK — 30 SECONDS: Lift your butt up slightly in the air from the push-up position to start. Take your left knee, and touch it to your left elbow. Repeat this for the other leg. Repeat these 3 exercises back to back with no rest until 5 minutes are up. — Thanks to Shannon for making this video with me! If you guys liked seeing her, let me know in the comments. If a lot of people liked seeing her, we can get Shannon and some of our other female friends in more videos. — And if you’re ready to get on the fast-track to a ripped body and six pack abs, you … Video Rating: 4 / 5