Posts Tagged ‘Care’

Home Care Santa Clara

Friday, March 18th, 2011

In their search for quality home care, Santa Clara residents will find providers offering different levels of service and scales of operation. Reaching out to a professional for quality home care, Santa Clara patients can find options catered to their specific conditions or resources. Home care is ideal for those with trouble getting out who intend on staying out of long-term care facilities and assisted living homes. The comfort of the home over an institution is immeasurable to most, offering a quality of life not easily achieved in a third party facility. Although recovering at home is vastly preferred to other options for rehabilitation and long-term care, there are hurdles facing home care professionals that are not as common in institutions with all of the equipment and medication at arm’s length.

When hiring an organization to provide home care Santa Clara patients must realize they are inviting someone into their home for their own health benefits. An open, inviting attitude towards the professionals assisting the patient is the best practice to ensure home care is conducted without conflict and resentment from feelings of intrusion. Home care specialists are trained to handle the cards they are dealt, but a difficult patient can ultimately lead to the success or failure of a home care program.

Caretakers looking for help for their loved ones should gather as much information as they can before pursuing a regimen of home care. Santa Clara has a large elderly population that is growing every year as life expectancy increases. Focusing on the logistics of a patient’s needs and coordinating those needs with a suitable budget can help pinpoint a provider ideal for a home care situation. Home care professionals will vary in cost depending on the qualifications of the professional, the party responsible for managing and coordinating visits and the physical needs of the patient. Some home care visits are brief and intermittent, simple checks of a patient’s well-being and their needs for the week. Other patients may require someone with them many hours of the day, living with the patient to protect against health risks continually.

The ideal home care situation will involve a professional who offers specialized medical attention while tailoring the patient’s environment to their needs and condition. The home plays a vital role in home care situations, imposing its limits in space and accessibility on the medical professionals working within. For those without ample space to rehabilitate at their residence, home care may not be a feasible option. When home care falls short of what is available in an institution, other options should be considered.

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Caregiver Burnout — Is Adult Day Care the Right Prevention

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

Prevent Caregiver Burnout – Adult Day Care is an Option

Caregiver burnout is defined as a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion which can occur when providing care to someone who needs ongoing, extensive care and support.  Typically this is a family caregiver who is charged with caring for an aging parent or spouse.  Caregiver burnout occurs when the person responsible for providing care does not get the help and support they need.

Signs of Caregiver Burnout

Caregivers who suffer caregiver burnout will be experiencing high levels of stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, financial pressures and interruptions in employment.  Some signs and symptoms include:

–          Irritability and short temperedness

–           Anxiety

–          Change in sleep patterns

–          Weight gain or loss

–          Withdrawal

–          Lack of interest

The biggest issue is that caregiver burnout happens gradually.  It does not rollover the caregiver like the flu, but happens more like a slow leak and suddenly the dam breaks and there is disaster.  If caregiver stress is left untreated for too long, the caregiver will experience burnout and will stop caring and will no longer be able to provide care and support to the one in need.  In addition, there are serious health consequences associated with caregiver burnout including chronic depression, anxiety as well as increase in heart disease and other physical ailments.

Six Tips for Avoiding Caregiver Burnout

The key to avoiding caregiver burnout is to manage caregiver stress and get help and support before it is too late. There are a number caregiver programs that can help with caregiver stress.  Find more information about caregiver programs at Sarahcare.

Seek Support from Friends or Neighbors – Ask others to stop by and provide some respite for a few hours.  Most people are willing to help, they just need to be asked.  Be specific in your request.

Leverage other Family Members – Call siblings, grandkids or adult children to step in and help out.  While the family caregiver is typically fully responsible, this responsibility should be shared among other family members.

Seek Help from the Church, Senior Center, or Professional Provider– Many churches or senior centers offer companion care free of charge.  These are typically younger seniors who stop by and visit with aging seniors who need support.  You can also pay for professional companion service via some home health agencies.

Set Realistic Expectations – Given the situation, the family caregiver cannot be expected to do it all.  Understand personal limitations and be forgiving to yourself.  If all the laundry does not get done, so be it.

Try Adult Day Care – Adult day care is a service that provides care to an aging loved one during the day at an affordable rate.  Having your loved one leave the house provides them the opportunity to socialize and feel engaged, but also gives the family caregiver time to manage things around the home.

Being a family caregiver is a stressful and often thankless job; however millions of people do the job simply because they must.  To be an effective caregiver to your loved one, it is critical to seek support early on in the care giving process.  Caregiver burnout can have serious consequences…don’t try to do it alone.

If you would like more information about Adult Day Care visit Sarahcare Adult Day Care Services at

Inger Rarick has over 20 years of experience working with older adults, seniors and the elderly in various settings including adult day care, assisted living facilities, and in-patient rehabilitation. She is currently working with SarahCare® (, a leading Adult Day Care Service company with more than 35 centers across the nation.  SarahCare® keeps families together by providing health related care for seniors in a safe and active environment while providing peace of mind and respite for their caregivers. Ms. Rarick is also passionate about technology and how technology can improve the lives of seniors both at home and in the healthcare setting. She founded a company called FamiliLink, empowering families to provide care and support to aging loved ones by including them in the digital loop.

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Regaining Independence with Home Health Care Services from Texas Health Presbyterian Home Care

Saturday, March 12th, 2011

When you or a loved one become seriously ill, hospitals can offer immediate medical care. Their goal is to help you recover, and return to your normal activities. As your hospital stay comes to an end, a relative or hospital staff member may identify a need for Home Health Care to assist in your recovery. The staff at Texas Health Presbyterian Home Care can provide the professional and compassionate attention you need. Texas Health Resources 1-877-THR-WELL