Posts Tagged ‘22713’

CCC 2:27:13

Friday, March 1st, 2013

Welcome to the Carroll County NH Commissioners meeting from 2/27/13. The meeting takes place at the County Administration building, 95 Water Village Rd, Ossipee and began at 8:30 am. 00:15 PUBLIC INPUT; JOHN RUCKINBROD; 2nd amendment. 05:13 DAYMOND STEER; how will Federal sequestration effect the county; Sheriffs office. 06:47 Ed Comeau; Shrink Government instead of raising taxes. 07:03 Approval of previous minutes; February 20, 2013. 08:22 NH Association of Counties budget; Hale’s Location budget; Sending school children to Fryberg; 12:32 DAVID BABSON; motions “I move that we rescind the motion of two weeks ago, which allowed only the chair to call for legal advice If the county taxpayer is paying for it” and replace it with “All Commissioners can seek legal advice for county business with majority consent of the board” Second by David Sorensen, vote affirmative David Babson. Vote affirmative, David Sorensen. 13:48 JASON JOHNSON; Jail superintendent, House of Corrections; population report; discussion of superintendents meeting; HB133 (superintendents authority to place individuals out on administrative home confinement without a court order); discussion of powers of arrest for correction officers; female prison; medical clearance for incarceration. 24:00 MICHEAL FOWLER; Capt. HOC, Housing of federal inmates; what costs are covered by Feds; special requirements. 37:18 HOWARD CHANDLER, Mountain View Community (Nursing Home) administrator; skilled care census; medicare
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