McQueen-Bring me to life

This vid is about a story I created about Cars. This is the Story: Lightning is the best super secret spy of the most important secret agency and only his friends and Sally know that. In his free time he loves to go out with Sally (start of the vid). You know he loves her so much and he would do everything for her! But at 0:52 he discovers that he can’t be always caring her because of his work. At 0.56 it’s in the morning and he’s getting ready for working. Today he has a mission. At 1:18 he remembers his first mission in which his biggest enemy, a bad man called Chick Hicks tried to dominate the world so he created big robots but Lightning could finally destroyed them and take Chick to prission for life! And he become the best spy of the agent! At 1:34 he’s going in his trailer ,where he has all his trophies and everything he needs to the missions, to the place where he has to start for the new mission. At 1:40 Harv, his boss, calls him to tell him what the mission is about. Then at 1:49 he’s talking with Doc, the man who gives spies everything for missions, but Sally appears to tell him that Harv talked with other spy to have the mission so Lightning can go home now. At 2:00 he’s at home with his friends and Sally and they make a party to celebrate that Lightning is in home! But at 2:06 a group of people who work at the agency come to tell him that the other spy couldn’t do anything so he has to go to save the day, but Sally is really sad because he has to go away. He

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