Posts Tagged ‘Nutrition’

Diet Talk – Nutrition Tips – Why is Balanced Diet Important ?

Wednesday, November 7th, 2012

Careworld brings to you Easy Diet & Nutrition Tips for a Heathier and balanced life. For Daily Updates and Fun Stuff Subscribe –

Brain Tumor Patient and Caregiver Program: Nutrition

Sunday, November 20th, 2011

The initial diagnosis of a brain tumor can be overwhelming. Finding the right services and support systems can make all the difference. To assist with the social and medical needs of brain tumor patients and their families, the San Diego Brain Tumor Foundation and The Brain Tumor Center at UC San Diego present this five part series. In this program, Vicky Newman, RD, with UC San Diego’s Moore Cancer Center, talks about the role of nutrition in cancer care. Series: “San Diego Brain Tumor Foundation and The Brain Tumor Center at UC San Diego ” [6/2011] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 21515]
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