Posts Tagged ‘Nursing’

Home Nursing Employment: How to Obtain It

Thursday, March 10th, 2011

Are you considering home nursing employment?  Or maybe you have decided and are now looking for good home nursing employment?  Either way let me help you decide whether home nursing is for you and how to get the job you want.

Home nursing employment mostly involves caring for those who can no longer do it for themselves.  As a home nurse you will need to have exceptional people skill since you will not only be working with the patient but you will also be interacting and possibly spending a fair amount of time with the patients family.  As a home nurse you will most likely be caring for an elderly person or someone you is disabled, however you may find yourself helping with a child or teen whose needs are greater then the parent can offer.   

You may also find home nursing employment from a maternity center.  In this case you would be going to the homes of women recovering from childbirth and assisting them.  

As a home nurse you will find that you are often treated as more then just a nurse, but because of how often you are with the patient and the family you are usually considered a close friend or part of the family.  However, you may find yourself getting so close that you may loose sight of your main responsibility, which is assessing and addressing the patient’s health problems.  

As a home nurse you may also find yourself doing these that other nurses may never be required to do.  Such as; cooking and cleaning.  It will depend on your contract with the patient and family but sometimes it will include light housework and preparing 2-3 meals throughout the day.  You may also to things like take the patient for a walk, to the movies, out for lunch, or other things he/she may enjoy doing.  

If you are still debating about home nursing employment then consider this.  The baby boomers are all starting to age right now.  Nome nurses are already in high demand and as more and more of the baby boomers enter old age the demand will only rise exponentially.  This should give you very good job security for probably most of your working life.  

Now if you are looking for a home nurse job, the best place to look is online or in the newspaper.  The newspaper will give you jobs where a family is hiring you one-on-one, in this case you will normally have no benefits such as life insurance, health insurance and so on.  Online you will still find some of the family jobs, but also jobs with agencies that will place you with someone, this type of employment you will normally get benefits.

If you are looking for the best places to look for home nurse jobs then take a look at this Medical Job Search Guide. Or if you are looking for other nurse employment or general health care employment you can look at Jobs At Hospital for options.

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The Essentials of Home Nursing

Monday, February 14th, 2011

When you hear the term home nursing, you will probably invert the words and think of a nursing home, but that is not what will be discussed in this article. This article will be speaking on the topic of home nursing which involves the task of conducting nursing practices from within your own home or more specifically, within the home of patients. This way the patients and their family can maintain their dignity and privacy while getting the necessary care that is needed for them or their loved ones. The illnesses that generally require home nursing stem from disabilities, terminal illnesses, acute illnesses and long term health problems.

The practice of in home nursing is become more prevalent due to the fact that more families have the desire to receive health care in their own homes. They loathe visiting a medical cent re or a nursing home if the patient is an elderly person. Initially the idea for in home nurses started when public health nurses would make visits to people’s homes to provide them with treatment and sometimes health education as a part of outreach programs in different communities.

Since that time this practice has grown so that their are academic courses implemented that are geared at training nurses for in home care and now these nurses can be found through various agencies that will deploy these nurses to individual homes and families who are in need of a in home care giver for themselves or a loved one who needs the assistance. The qualifications and experience for these nurses may vary and as such, the agencies will make informed decisions before deployment, they will ensure that they find out what type of care the patient will need and if medication is involved or just assistance and grooming. There are many academic institutions that offer the nursing courses and is then able to get the nurse into an agency due to their affiliation.

While the set may sound pretty simple, it is not so cut and dry, because the nurses and / or the agencies that facilitate these nurses will have to have detailed information on the inner working of the third party payment groups such as Medicaid and Medicare, to ensure that they have no delays and problems when it is time for reimbursements.

Home health nurses are not just your average everyday nurses, while they do not have to get a doctoral degree, unless they want to, the still need to be able to provide a wide range of treatments that will require an array of skills. They will need to be able to provide education to patients about their illnesses, emotional support, and support to pregnant or nursing mothers, elderly patients and support for other health concerns.

Not only do these nurses need to have the skills and education to be a nurse, but they should also possess that flexibility to perform within any setting, such as a person’s home or assisted living quarters. They should also possess the communication skills that are essential to building a rapport to effectively communicate with the patient as well as their families.

If you’re looking for information about CNA Certification & Training, we have more great tools and resources on our website

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A Place For Mom – Nursing Home Overview

Saturday, February 5th, 2011 A Place For Mom’s Senior VP of Referral Services, Katie Burckhardt, gives an overview of Nursing Homes, a common senior care and elderly living option. To learn more about nursing homes visit
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