Posts Tagged ‘Hourglass’

Hourglass body AT HOME workout!

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

You’ll FREAK when you see how effective this commonly overlooked fitness tip is… Whats up guys? In today’s episode Sanela and I are going to show you a killer lower body workout that will tone and firm EVERYTHING from your hamstrings, glutes, quads, and even core, getting you that sexy toned fitness model body right in time for the summer swim suit season! Lets get rockin! The first exercise in this routine is the Crescent Lunge 00:21 . This is a static training exercise where you are holding a power position and creating strain and resistance on the muscle by continuing to hold the position. Proper form for the crescent lunges consists of having your front leg bent at a 90 degree angle making sure your knee never extends past your toes. You back leg can either be bent and held 2-4 inches off the floor, or for beginners just drop your knee to the floor. You may have to drop your knee to the floor from time to time during this routine when you first start doing it… Dont worry thats fine, just make sure you are always pushing yourself to the limit! DO you feel the burn yet???? Lets continue! The next exercise is jumping squats 01:31 . Jumping squats are going to to serious work on your glutes, core and hamstrings. Doing this exercises is really going to get your heart beating fast! It is one of the most effective exercises for burning calories. Make sure you are always pushing, but make sure you are landing as soft as possible absorbing the impact
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