Posts Tagged ‘Coping’

Caring for the Caregiver: Coping with Guilt

Saturday, February 11th, 2012

Caregiver Speaker Elaine K. Sanchez,, speaks about the importance of caring for the caregiver. In this video she talks about coping with caregiver guilt. This is a true story from herbook, Letters from Madelyn, Chronicles of a Caregiver. The dictionary defines guilt as a sense of having done wrong or having failed in a obligation. Most caregivers get angry, which is not surprising, because the numbers of people and situations with which you can become upset are practically limitless. (See the video on Coping with Caregiver Anger and read the comments by Elaine K. Sanchez.) It is not unusual for caregivers to get caught up in a vicious cycle of anger and guilt. They feel guilty for losing their tempers and for saying hateful things. They experience feelings of guilt because they resent the time, attention, energy, and money it takes to care for someone who can no longer care for him If the caregiver did not have a great relationship with a parent or a spouse and is now responsible for managing that person’s care, it’s quite common for the caregiver to feel guilty because he/she doesn’t have loving feelings toward the care receiver. At one of Elaine’s Caregiver Survival Workshops, Emily, an attendee whose mother was in the advanced stage of Alzheimer’s Disease said she was experiencing guilt because she had to trick her mother into doing almost everything. Emily felt guilty for tricking her mother into getting into the car to go to the doctor’s office
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