Posts Tagged ‘after’

Life After Spinal Cord Injury: Albert’s Story

Monday, January 14th, 2013

Albert was revived at the scene of the crash. He barely survived his car accident. He wasn’t expected to move or breathe on his own again. Nearly given up on, Albert found hope after meeting Ranken Jordan physician, Dr. Nick Holekamp. Albert’s fate drastically changed that day. One of our physiatrists discovered that Albert’s spinal cord injury was incomplete. Now, instead of spending his life in a bed at a nursing home he’s in therapy and launching his career as a motivational speaker.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Shorty’s (PITBULL) recovery after being thrown away like trash.

Monday, January 2nd, 2012

Missie… found of a rooftop in May, tied up and left to die. If it were not for all the rain we had back then, she would not have survived. She was hungry and sick with a cold and mange. She arrived at the shelter frightened and confused… hiding under chairs and benches for safety. She won the hearts of the volunteers and we were all pulling for her. When she hit the “list” a wonderful person stepped up and took Missie home. They changed her name to Shorty and gave her a new life, lots of love, attention and care. Shorty is now thriving and is not the scared dog we all grew to love. I love this video!! THANK YOU to all that advocated for and shared Shorty… it is because of you that she found her forever home Please watch the video and to read more about Shorty, visit her page.
Video Rating: 5 / 5