Episode 7 – 15-11-2011

Indira calls up Mandira to enquire about their mother’s health. Indira is relieved on learning that her mother was recovering. Indira further expresses desire to talk to Ishaan but feels sad when he refuses to talk to her. Sunaina decides to go to the police station to bail out Munna. Before leaving the house, she prays to the God to help her. Indira’s mother is surprised when she learns about Sunaina’s decision. Meanwhile, Munna returns home. Sunaina, Mandira and her mother are surprised when they see Munna. Munna, however, does not regret cheating Inder. The family is further surprised when they learn that Rishi has bailed out Munna. When Indira returns home, she too is surprised to see Munna in the house. She is furious on learning from Ishaan that Rishi bailed out Munna. Next morning, Indira feels hurt when Ishaan not only refuses to talk to her but also refuses to sit beside her during breakfast time. When Ishaan refuses to go to the school along with Indira, Munna decides to drop his son to school. Indira rages at Rishi and reminds him that she had warned him not to interfere in her family matters. Rishi does not pay heed to Indira and leaves. Indira feels insulted and so she decides to change the tenant. Indira calls up Radhey and asks him to find a new tenant for her, who will pay her three months rent in advance. Radhey agrees to find a new tenant for Indira.

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