Big Gov’t Forces Health Care Bill Despite Bi-partisan Opposition

Thursday, May 19th, 2011 IN A SPECIAL NEWS BULLETIN, Alex Jones warns against the Big Government, Big Insurance Health Care Bill being forced down in the Senate despite opposition by members in both parties and an overwhelming majority of Americans. After all the denial, the final version of the bill proves to have in place the so-called death panels, the abortion funding, no public option, cuts in Medicare and forced coverage backed by heavy fines or prison. Outrageously, Senator Reid & co. have added a section to the bill, Section 3403, that prevents any future Congress from changing the Medicare Advisory Boards (ie the ‘death panels’). Section 3403 reads “it shall not be in order in the Senate or the House of Representatives to consider any bill, resolution, amendment, or conference report that would repeal or otherwise change this subsection.” Watch the video for Alex’s full analysis. For more info: Bleak Deficit Numbers Projected Under Obama’s Budget Plan Poll: Public Disapproval of ‘Obamacare’ Jumps to 52 Percent Obamacare: Nightmare before Christmas Obama’s trillions dwarf Bush’s ‘dangerous’ spending Obama Shatters Spending Record for First-Year Presidents ObamaCare Keeps Falling in the Polls Health Care Bill Is A Huge Tax Heist Under ObamaCare, Prepare To Wait 18 Months To See A Doctor Polls: Majority Disapprove of Health Care

Autism Home Healthcare Staffing Realities

Monday, May 16th, 2011

Autistic young adult requires frequent 2:1 to 3:1 supports, as needed during behavioral or medical emergencies. Home health care staff ratio needed NOT yet provided by state of California. Family still in negotiations. Case should be a NO BRAINER for anyone involved in discerning if this is the kind of unique, aytpical case that requires at LEAST 24/7 1:1 in-home family support. autismus EMS law enforcement autism awareness educational videos autisme “autismul” “awtismo” “nursing” “nurses” “caregivers” “cna” “lvn” case law least restrictive environment “disablity rights” “california” “protection and advocacy” “los angeles” “san diego” “sacramento” “autism legislative taskforce” “autism news” “autism facts” “statistics” “research” “case study” “attorneys” “lawfirms” “litigation” “advocates” “injury” “judges” “decisions” Autistic boy’s mother may sue state california pervasive failure to provide adequate services to autistic boy with extreme self-injurious behaviors and seizure disorder leaves family exhausted in constant battle for proper in-home support and relief. Family forced to create behavioral and nutritional plans due to state “experts” repeatedly failing to provide or meet extraordinary needs of this autistic person. It’s simply unreal that after the family has had to pick up where all the “professionals” dropped the ball, they are insulted and tormented with lack of proper home supports.

Professional Care Home Health Services

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

Professional Care Home Health Services, Inc. Offers an array of comprehensive services and specialty programs that makes a vital difference to health care providers looking for follow up care and case management of their clients. Home is the best medicine for people of all ages. It is where primary preventive health care should begin. With the support of of our professionals, families are able to participate and influence the care of their loved ones. Our professional staff will work with you. your physician, and family to develop a plan of treatment. Here Are Some Of The Services Provided: -SKILLED NURSING VISITS -HOME HEALTH AIDE -PHYSICAL THERAPIST -OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST -SPEECH THERAPIST -MEDICAL SOCIAL WORKER -DIETARY SERVICE Assisting the patient in improving his or her abilities to perform daily activities. our specialist help family members to properly care for the patient by communicating available community resources. Professional Care Home Health Services is a high quality Agency in Los Angeles California and a Medicare Certified Home Health Services. Many health care treatments that were once offered only in a hospital or a doctor’s office can now be done in your home. Home health care is usually less expensive, more convenient, and just as effective as care you get in a hospital or skilled nursing facility. In general, the goal of home health care is to provide treatment for an illness or injury. Home health care helps you get
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