Strange Sex 02×02 – Secret pain

Monday, September 3rd, 2012

“Strange sex”, season 02, episode 02. This episode shows the story of a young woman who suffered with vaginismus. Aired in April 4th, 2011. Episódio do programa “Sexo extranho”, exibido no Brasil pelo Discovery Home and Health. Este episódio conta a história de uma jovem mulher que descobre, após se casar, que sofria de vaginismo.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Vitamins – Benefits Of Vitamin C – Tips For Healthy Eating

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

Vitamin C is very good for stronger immunity and good health. Watch expert Dr Divya Mangal talking about its benefits. For Daily Updates and Fun Stuff Subscribe at . Join us on Facebook at Follow us at

Diet Talk – Expert Diet Recipes – Vemicelli Upma – Healthy Food

Tuesday, August 28th, 2012

Learn to make Vermicelli Upma which is yummy and has very little calories. Subscribe NOW to get daily updates on many such useful videos and At-Home Tips