Caregiving 101: Don’t be a CareTAKER

Thursday, April 5th, 2012

Person needs help, not thievery, not mundane chit-chatting on the phone with you boyfriend. CareGIVERS give; they are there for the Activities of Daily Living (ADLs): personal hygiene, food preparation, medication reminders, light housekeeping, common sense issues like answering the telephone (write messages with date and time and your signature), transport assistance, transfer assistance, prevention of falls or accidents. CareTAKERS: sit on the phone for 5 hrs, forget to feed me, forget to change my linens, forget to bathe me, fail to pick up a piece of trash (they actually just step over it), and at the worst, they steal. They steal your jewelry, your linens, your silver, your coats, your jeans, your shoes, your socks, and they drain you of your own energy. Give me privacy. Make sure I brush my teeth. Attend to my needs in a Serving manner, as this is MY house, this is MY stuff, and you are not to steal from me. If you do not want to take care of me, get out of my house. Otherwise, I expect that you will give me all of your attention and protect me from the outside world, protect me from thieves and liars. What can you do for me? 100 times a day, “Is there any thing I can do for you?” Go put me in the sun for 5 min. Let me breathe some fresh air. Put yourself in my shoes, for one day, you will need a caregiver (if you are lucky). How you Caregive today has a lot to do with how You will be cared for later. This is MY home and don’t touch anything that does not belong to

MDA Salutes Caregivers: The Schwegel Family

Monday, April 2nd, 2012

Meet the Schwegel Family. Sarah is affected by spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and her mother, Sandy, is her primary caregiver. They share their story as part of National Family Caregivers Month.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Carefree TV – Outstanding Caregiver Training

Saturday, March 24th, 2012 Learn about our outstanding program of caregiver training, one of the reasons why we are the best choice for best non-medical homecare company serving seniors in Scottsdale and Phoenix, AZ
Video Rating: 0 / 5